Saturday 6 October 2012

Happy World Card Making Day!

Hello Crafters!! Today is officially world card making day! have you start make any card? I have made one that i would like to share with you today. But before that i would like to take this chance to pass a messages. I have been crafting for about 6 years and i have been through good and bad times during my crafting experience. I have met very sweet talented veterean crafters but also newbie to it (i love to see new people get into craft worlds). But lately i see that in the craft worlds there are some politics, back stabbing,cyber bully, etc. I would like to pass a message that crafting world should be a place where we can have fun without any politics.Each crafters are talented in their way and no one is higher than other. If you keep practicing and let your creativity flow, one day you could be as good as who you are admire to. Craft idea is to share but when you are inspired with someone projects and if you love to scrap lift ask for permission. So i hope this day will be a fun day without comparing and finger pointing :). Just my 5cents thought! No hard feeling to anyone thou :).
 So enough of my rambling...i have a birthday card to share.

Finally i pull out my big time anya!! :) fiuh! today is my day...i have been wanting to make card with my new TGF that i purchased lately.
I coloured the image use Derwent inktense and Prismacolour.  Used various pinky stuffs to make this card even more girly look :). I love the bell and the charms :) a gift from friends long time ago.
The inside of the card. So sorry for the blurry photos :(
Hope you enjoy making card today.
Yenni Natalia


  1. Gorgeous card!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the ATS Challenge!!

  2. OMGosh she is so cute, love the cute card design, thanks for playing with us over at ATS!!!

  3. Fun Card. Love the new image.
    Hugs, Dangina


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia