Tuesday 6 November 2012

Congratulations on your wedding

Hi Hi.....How are you today?
I am great! i went for 2 days course yesterday and today and feel fully energize my mindset. I think i really love this course! it is about 7 habit highly effective people. lol i was surprised that based on survey i made myself busy with non urgent and non important one so i am actually "wasting" my time and not beaing effective :( . Hmmm i need to make a change! But i learnt that the key of to be success on changing my habit is must perseverance. hmmm...i wonder i can do or not :P.
Enough of my rumbling..today i have a fresh card from my craft area  :).

One of my friends has asked me to create a wedding card for her friend wedding and she need it urgently. So luckly i managed to get a card done  for her.

I have used Classic couple from Magnolia Wedding Collection and colour them with distress inks.
Lots of WOC flowers use to decor the card and ZVA Creative rhinestone.
And here is the inside card.
Hope you like my card :) See you tomorrow with another card for ATS challenge :)

1 comment:

  1. Your card turned out beautifully. Fab work! Hugs! xx


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia