Wednesday 12 December 2012

Long post! :) and My Birthday giveaway winner!

Hi All
Firstly thank you for the birthday wishes :) I had a fab time today with my colleagues and my hubby today to celebrate my bday :)
Just some pict of pressie from my colleagues and friend  :)


Lovely flowers from hubby :) love the smell of Lily :)
Baloons with Carebear and Owl balloons :) really like balloons on my bday :P
Meow perfume from also from hubby :)
Fav cake for bday! 1 slice is really enough! hehehhe.....
Pressie from My Boss :) love it boss! smell great and feel like "eat or drink it" :P

From my guy colleague! he knows what i like! everything blings :)

Can you believe it that my colleague even change my office old air con to new one today :) feel the new breeze from new air con today onwards :)

Morning breakfast from My Colleague rose :) really fill my hungry tummy!
Ready to cut the cake!! thank you all!
 Ok now back to challenge card :)
Dont forget  to join All that scrap Challenge today, theme for this time is Clean and Simple. Really easy :) you still have one week to create any project so long the items/stamps sell at All that scrap shop. You will get chance to win 3 rubber stamp of your choice. You can have the same rubber stamp that i use on the card above too :).  I used PJ trevor for my boy birthday card :)
NOW TO THE WINNER OF MY BDAY GIVEAWAY! YAY!  Thank you all for joining my giveaway :) i will do giveaway again soon :) so please stay tune ya!
I know i am supposedly announce the winner on 13 but I cant wait to inform you who is the winner  :) so Can you believe it that i am by COINCIDENT drew  NO 12  use Random Org ? SERIOUSLY I WAS SURPRISE TOO!! LOL...Anyway i have BUBBLE SHY as my bday winner!
Bubble Shy you have till  Friday 14 December 2012 6pm singapore time to tell me your addy :) to my email : with title Winner of Birthday Giveway
Congrats! :)
I hope to see you soon all!


  1. Happy Belated birthday. Sounds like you had a lovely day.

  2. So many wonderful pressies. I'm glad you were spoiled on your special day! :)

    I like the card you showed us today. Beautiful! Hugs! xx

  3. such a beautiful way to celebrate your birthday...have a happy year ahead...

    and I love the card..its so beautiful! especially the coloring

  4. Wow!! new aircon!! hahaha.. unique present!


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia