Wednesday 27 February 2013

Happy Hello!

Hello All! Sorry for away from bloggie land for the entire week. I was busy with my own life. So many things to catch up and so many things to enjoy :)
So today is another wednesday and i have a project i created for ATS challenge. This week ATS has a new challenge and that will be Paper Piercing challenge.
For my project i did paper pierce the paper cup that this cutie monkey holds.
I love the monkey soo much :) It is called Latte Monkey from CC Design. 
I coloured him with distress markers- trying to play around with this markers and yet still not get used to with it. :P
Be sure to join me and my talented friends on All that scrap challenge! I am looking forward to see your entries :)
Would love to enter this project for below challenge :
Yenni Natalia


  1. Yenni, this is beautiful, thaks for joining in at Allsorts this week, xxx

  2. So very pretty Yenni Natalia.

    Thanks so much sharing with us at Allsorts challenge this week.

    B x


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia