Wednesday 1 May 2013


Hello Bloggers and crafters. It has been a week and i havent post any card or project. i have few past projects on the queue which i dont have time to post yet. Lately,  i just feel i dont have mood for blogging and crafting. My creative juice just simply dry off, probably due to the stress at work. i just need a good break from crafting probably. I Spoken to sweet Tracy from ATS for me to take a break short while and she is fine. I love her! thank you Tracy for the understanding. I will still be making card but wouldnt be so often like last time.
So for today,   i have a project for ATS Challenge (Reminder Post). ATS has a anything goes challenge. very simple ya ? make sure to join me there. Here is the link to the ATS Challenge.

Stamp used : CC Design strawberry beatrice
Would love to enter the following challenge :
Hope you like my simple projects.


  1. Super Sweet Tag! Love your soft colors and gorgeous design.
    Tons Of Hugs, Dangina

  2. This is so cute Yenni! I love it!

  3. This tag is so adorable!! Love the colors too!! Thank you for playing along in our challenge at Hugs, Rosie


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia