Friday 12 July 2013

Hope this day as special as you are!

Hello all...TGIF to you all....
well it is a long week for me...5 days in the offices during office hours, no meeting,no course and no leave very tired. This few days i have been resting very early as early as 9.30pm...hehehe ya i break my record. I dont normally sleep early..Well i guess age catching up!
Anyway...i have a boy card to share. Today at La La Land Blog..we have a theme "On the farm with Gingham ". So here is my contribution...

Colouring : Copic Markers
Face: E000,E00,E01,E11,R21
Hair : E50,E51,E53,E55
Clothes :BG11,E50,E51,E53,E55,E57,E70,E71,E74,E95,E97,E99
Hope you like what i made for today.
By the way some of you might have know that i might be stopping blogging for awhile..well few things going on in my life..and i want to take a rest. I will likely still crafting but might not be blogged it..Well depends on the mood..but you can still see my creations at flickr if you are interested to know my updates :)
Anyway..i also still hand itchy apply for challenge DT at 7 kids colleage funds :D
Hope to see you again soon and be sure to visit La La Land Blog for more inspiration! :)

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Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia