Tuesday 29 July 2014

CAS card Get well soon

Oh boy! finally i could back to post in here. My keyboard spoilt for few days and i hardly able to type a single decent word. It was always showing weird alien words :D.
Thanks to my hubby cousin who gave me and hubby new keyboard ^_^.
Lately i have been infected by iClean and simple card fever ^_^. Not only take less times and also i can use itsy bitsy of my pattern papers. So for today card i have used flourishes stamps that i coloured using distress inks. I love the clouds! that i accidently created because i spill water on the paper *_*. Luckly i managed to save the work.
 i love to add tread and gold paper into my cards lately. you will see my next few projects will be having lots of tread or twine dangling and shine on it ^_^.

Ok i need to run some errand now. hope to see you soon ^_^ and thank you for visiting my humble blog.

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Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia