Monday 8 September 2014

Creative Blog Hop

Good afternoon...Finally I have spare time to sit down and update my blog.
I have been busy today with lots of house chores. There are so many still waiting for me to settle but lets ignore that first.
I was invited by Melania Deasy (awesome talented and sweet crafter that I have ever known) to join a Creative Blog Hop. It is like a chain letter where we share answers to some questions and then invite your friend to be part of it.
 Sadly, I was sooo Busy so I couldn't get anyone to join the blog hop but I will recommend you some of the Awesome Asia blogger that inspired me a lot. So let me answer some of questions first :
1. What am I working now ?
As in craft world, I am currently not working in any Design Team but still in the process of looking if given any chance to join. ^_^
In the past few days, I have been busy making customized card for my customer. I am slow card makers so to make just one card, took me hours :D. Yesterday, I just completed my card orders and today I am planning to make more cards for next month charity bazar where my husband work for. ^_^ It is for good cause.
2.How does my work differ from others in my genre ?
To be frank, I keep reading this question and think what makes my work different ? I just couldn't get any answer to this question :D so I will skip.
But if you ask me my card making style, to be honest I don't stick to one style. I like to explore, be it colouring image, building image or just clean and simple. One thing that I know and I stick to it is my choice of colours. I love pastel and probably bright colour but not neon.
3. Why do I create what I do ?
I love cards so much. I can give it to people to make them happy or I can sell it to make some pocket money. Most of all, I do everything with passion and full of thought while making it.I guess that makes my card different than printed card in the shelves ^_^.
4.How does my creative process work ?
 I can get inspiration by looking at pinterest, blog, magazine, even clothes patterns ^_^. Memorized the design that catch my eyes and then start to combine few design into one. Sometimes I like to scribble the rough design on the paper then I will pick my pattern papers and stamps that I want to use. Finally before start the real work, I would like Imagine how the final result and start work on it.
So since I don't have anyone to pass the baton to, I would just recommend you to visit this 3 awesome blogs :
She is totally awesome crafter who her hands can make flat things/images into 3d. I always amaze by her creations!
She has a pair of magic hands! she always make things looks beautiful and amazing even it is just a simple cards
Oh yeah! I really want to be her student when it comes to colouring magnolia use watercolour. So awesome!! it is really worth your time to visit her blog!!
Okay that is it from me today. Be sure to visit the 3 blogs...really worth your time ^_^

Be back tomorrow with a card that I am excited to share with you ^_^

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Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia