Wednesday 15 October 2014

Merry Christmas LOTV Teddy

I am sorry for being away for a very long time. I am feeling down lately after my favourite grandmother passed away recently and I couldn't visit her for her last departure.
I have not really in the mood of crafting cards but since there are orders therefore I will just go on with it. Thanks God for He gave me His strength to me and I could pass that sad moment, however somehow I am still being attack with loneliness for some reasons :(.
 Anyway I believe I should be able to pass this trial too.
Now to the card, this card has created long time ago but have had chance to share.  
This cutie teddy from LOTV and I think it is now under discontinued items, so if you like it then better grab it :) he is so cute...
that is all for today.
Thank you for stopping by
Yenni Natalia

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful Christmas card. I love it! Hugs! xx


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia