Thursday 6 November 2014

Christmas cards using LOTV

Just a quick post for today.
I have 2 cards to share use LOTV stamps. It is so sad when I heard that this will be the last challenge LOTV will hold. I love their stamps and just got chance to play again with it recently. I wish one fine day they will bring the challenge back again. Anyway for the last challenge will be  Merry Christmas so I have made 2 cards using angels from LOTV stamps. I love their angels collections :)
as mentioned ^_^ would love to join this card for the
have a great day :)
Yenni Natalia


1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful cards, Yenni! I love the non-traditional colours you've used!

    Thanks for joining our Lili of the Valley 'Merry Christmas!' challenge!

    Good Luck!


    Erica x


Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia