Saturday 28 November 2015

LOTV : Congrats Baby

Well hello and good afternoon...
have you scored any crafty stuffs during this black friday sales ?
I have made my hubby pocket hole bigger :P.
I have purchased a box of wild orchird crafts flowers which can last me for the next 3 years and about 12 stamps of CC design. I must be mad right ? but i love CC design and i  need some flowers for my projects.
I am also now aiming for whimsy stamp during cyber monday. i cant wait!! that will be my final purchase for this year...that is it! better start selling more cards and destash old stamps that i don't use anymore :).

Back to card. I made another baby card with similar layout as the wedding one. I want to keep it a little simple this time round.

and here is the inside card.

Hope you like what i shared today

I will be starting christmas countdown from tomorrow. I have a lot of christmas cards images to share with you here, but actually all is already sold out  during charity ^_^. 

See you tomorrow for the countdown. You will love it!

See ya

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Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia