Monday 23 November 2015

Magnolia Stamp : Thank you so much

Well hello everyone! it is another monday. Last week was totally energy draining week for me. Busy chasing some orders, family from overseas visiting and lastly  i need to go see doctor often this week for some issue. Glad that it is all over and me and family has lots of fun despite just few days flu bug keep hitting my body. I keep taking lots of vitamin C to combat the bugs. I have been sneezing and having a very tired body because of it.

Anyway..back to the card. Today i am still in japanese mood so here i played with another magnolia stamp who is wearing kimono and holding a traditional umbrella. She has bunny as a companion. 

Both image is colored use distress markers and distress reinkers. 
Beautiful flowers and stripe pattern papers from LOTV. You must get it when there is a sale :)
Well matched flowers from Wild Orchird Craft. I cant wait for WOC to announce their sale day. i need to replenish alot of my flowers :) 

Here is a close up.

And here is the inside card.

Hope you like this card. 

I am entering this card for the following challenges :

Have a very blessed day everyone.

See you very soon


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Thanks for visiting my blog, hope my cards can cheer your day.
Yenni Natalia