Good Morning to all of you.
Yay it is friday and extra yay for me because hubby decided to take leave today.
Up to now we still have not decided where should we spend this day. At first i want to go zoo or bird park but the sky turn so dark and very windy therefore i cancel the plan to go open area.
Hubby then...
Friday, 30 September 2016
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Good Morning!!
Good day to you all..
I am so happy that my dad is finally out from hospital and now he is on the medical treatment at home. Occasionally a nurse will come and administer injections on him.
Me and my dad just talked that he is now got additional problem which is uric acid which cause his leg...
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
I am back again with a card today.
I keep myself on the roll to make card because i am joining a charity event at my friend company on november. I hope i could raise some money for the needy from the sales of my cards.
For today's card i keep it relatively flat and simple because it meant for a guy.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
I am so sorry for being a bad blogger! i have been away for very long time in this bloggie land but yet i am pretty active in instagram because that is the easiest platform for me to upload my cards without having me sit down in front of computer :).
My apologies for my absence here.
During my absence,...
Friday, 9 September 2016
Good day to all fellow friends and especially fellow Penny Black lovers. Wow! time really fly fast. Now we are already in September Month. I bet this month is the month many crafters waiting for because it is Stamptember. Many discount going around in online shop. Be sure to check Penny Black products, they do have...