Hi Sweets..weekend is just nearby and i am sooo waiting for it. WHy? because i am going for beginner orchid workshop. Well something that non craft related but still my hobby. i love plants but i hate worms,caterpilars and any insects. This months a really busy month for me...lots of planning on my head. feel like want...
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Yay! happy holiday for those who celebrate deepavali :)It has been hard for a couple days and i am really hoping to have more of good rest.As for now, i would love to share my latest card use magnolia stamp. This card is ordered by my friend who want a pretty wedding card with blue and yellow theme. So here we go :
I didnt...
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Hi Peeps...it is holiday eve in singapore. And i am trying to get myself relax. My state of mind kind of in bad condition. Overwork, speechless some of the things happen at work, loss directions, having difficulty to liase with colleagues, and the story goes on....But! i keep remind myself that it is good thing have...
Monday, 24 October 2011
Good morning peeps! it is monday..and i am feeling so blue like the sky in Singapore. I was so busy during my weekend for my parents came to singapore. Luckly, during their stay i do have strength to bring them around. Once they left, my whole body start aching and feeling sick, but yet i still have to do some of ...
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Hi Peeps...it has been sometimes i never play with magnolia stamps.And i think i missed her. Have you seen their new xmas collections? i have a dozen stamps on my wish list....it is going to make my....husband pocket burn a big hole...lol. Because i use his credit card to pay first :) (with hope he will kind enough to...
Monday, 17 October 2011
Hi Peeps :) thanks for keep sticking onto my blog though i dont update it daily :)Normally scrapbooker will use whatever leftover from their project to make card. SO what is card maker left over used for? for me, the answer is bookmarks! it is simple cute and useful. Today bookmarks i created use The Greeting farm...
Friday, 14 October 2011
Hi Peeps! how are you? I am kinda of busy and busy lately. At work i have to be busy not only for preparing budget for the following year but also have to handle some other matters which as and when always there. So tiring. Not to mentioned some friction with some staffs there due to some reason :(But well today is friday!...
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Hi Sweets...so sorry for not blogging this few days..been rather in bad mood (facing few problems and kinda of quite stress over few things lately). I thought if i do crafting will help to kick my bad mood away, unfortunately this time not happen to me :(. I also have found that my cards that i created during...
Saturday, 8 October 2011
As mentioned on the title, this is my very first time i created ATCs (i think...).
My indonesian friends has influenced me a lot to try out to create an ATC card, which end up i created 4 instead. Well this is totally not an easy experience for me as i like to embellish my project. ATC just too small :P. For that reason...the...
Monday, 3 October 2011
Hi Peeps! How are you today? What a tough day for me. so many problems, so many things to do but people just dont care that i have loads of things to do and yet just keep adding it! I think if i work 12 hours a day also wont finish....so sad!...i hate it! really hate it..sometime just think i want to leave...
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Hi peeps..i do not have cards but i wish to share with you how i normally organize my stuffs. If you are my facebook friends then i think you should know that i shop almost everyweek. Some of you might wondering how come my room never "explode" with stuffs. The secret is simple : Re-organize. If i found that...