Hi All..i know i have been bad blogger and MIA for so long. I have been MIA not only in bloggy land but also in facebook. Well for some personal reasons..i decided to de-activated my FB till i am ready to open it, but i do still miss you all a lot.
Today i want to share my project life from date 12-19 Feb. I love...
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Hellow Peeps! I had a crazy days at work..but my colleagues has even crazier day than me. I think me and my collagues will get "sick" anytime soon :P.Well we shall not talk about those crazy hours but i want to tell you HAPPY VALENTINES DAYS ladies :)Today i go with whimsical theme...though i found it too simple and...
Monday, 13 February 2012
Hiya There...How are you?Tommorow is Valentine day and i am totally unprepared. I have not bought anything for my hubby as during the weekend i was so sick. Though on sat i went to mall but that mall does not has anything suitable for him. And the best part tommorow i will need to go to work...lol. Normally i will take...
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Hello hello..welcome back to my blog :) hope you are all stay healthy and happy.Today will be another pages of my project life. For this post i have 2 weeks of my life to share which is january week 4 and february week 1
PAGE 1In this page i documented some of the photos related to my visit to Chinatown...
Friday, 10 February 2012
Hello Peeps,Welcome to a blog hop dedicated to our good friend Dorcas. She recently lost one of her fur-babies and i know it is very hard for her, so we wanted to show her we are thinking about her. If you wish to share your word of encouragement to her, you can hop to her blog at here
Hi Dorcas,This blog...
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Hi Peeps...welcome back to my blog :)Thank you for keep staying with me :)Due to some urgent planning tommorow, i will announce the winner today. But before that i will share a card that i created use the same image of the giveaway.
I know that the magnolia face way too much yellow :( am still learning thow to colour...
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Hellow Sweets! Hope you are doing good :)I am kind of feeling unwell and for that i get 2 days MCs. Something i am supposedly not celebrate but i do happy when the doctor give me 2 days as i do really need rest. I have been sick since last friday but i kept drag it till today. :) Hope by friday i shall be okay.Back to...
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Cheer Up!
Yenni Natalia
Hellow peeps..Just a quick post as i have chores waiting and " staring" at me :) For today card i am still using the flourishes stamp line and this time another type of orchid.As i dont want something common for my orchid colour, i decided to choose brown colour for it. Something that you might not see it...
Friday, 3 February 2012
Hi Peeps...Thanks for keep staying with me :) Today is the mini giveaway day :) from Jan 2012 i have decided to do a mini giveaway every month. It would be one item per month but it is always something that i believe all of you like to have such as stamps and die cut :)So for today giveaway is MAGNOLIA stamp :) but before...
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Hellow peeps...sorry for being absent :) Been had fun on course and felt tired by end of the day :)But i do learn something from the trainer.if you want to less stress, ensure in your life this 3 things :1. Have FAITH!2. Financialy stable3. Have a someone close to you at least 3 person who you trust and believe to :).